
Thursday, June 27, 2013

Crysos Morturg of the Death Guard

Crysos Morturg

Crysos Morturg

I have a quick update for today. Here is my kitbash / conversion for Crysos Morturg. He is a loyalist special character for the Death Guard who in the fluff often leads Destroyer Marines into battle. He is also one of the two (known!) survivors of Istvaan III. Enjoy!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Emperor's Children Assault Squad

Emperor's Children Assault Marine
It took over a month but they are finally done! Behold, my Emperor's Children Assault Squad. I really enjoyed painting this squad up because I love the MK II and MK IV Assault Squad kits and I was finally able to flesh out where I want to take the color scheme for this army. I had started with a pristine color scheme but I was not happy with it. Since my Emperor's Children army is suppose to represent a loyalist force (background to be fleshed out in the future) I decided to try a more battle scared approach to my Emperor's Children. In general I am happy with how it turned out. As usual constructive feedback is always welcome. For my next painting project I am painting three Emperor's Children Contemptor Dreadnoughts. Lets hope I can finish them in less time.
Emperor's Children Assault Squad

Emperor's Children Assault Squad

Emperor's Children Assault Squad

Emperor's Children Marine

Emperor's Children Assault Squad

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Painting Points Tally: May

I started keeping track of my painting using a points system as a way to both "control" my model purchases and too reinforce me for completing painting projects. May has come and gone and while being a frantic building month I only managed to complete a single model (at least it was a huge one).