
Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Adeptus Titanicus!

I am back! I haven’t posted here for over a two years due to life being crazy (Medical Residency and new baby). Residency is finally done and since I am home with the little one I finally have time to get back into taking pictures of what I paint. I did paint some stuff the last two years and was lucky enough to make it to NOVA twice and Adepticon once.

I have taken the plunge and started a titan Battlegroup for Adeptus Titanicus. I chose Legio Gryphonicus and am planning on building a complete axiom maniple. Here is the first Reaver Titan. For my color scheme I followed the official GW one from YouTube . The stripes were done by masking the grey areas with tape and an airbrushing the white. Thanks for looking.