
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Hobby Progress and Zone Mortalis vs Cityscape Board

It has been a relatively busy time for me hobby wise the last two weeks despite the lack of posts. I have nearly finished my Revenant Titan and am trying to finish off a chunk of my Dark Eldar in time for a tournament at the end of the month. I have ten days to finish three Raiders, a Ravager, twenty two Warriors, seven Hellions, and one Baron. Speed painting has never been my thing but I have a feeling I will be developing some skills in in in the next couple of days. Also, I have ordered a light tent and new tripod that will arrive soon. Hopefully this will improve the quality of my miniature photography and I will be able to post more hobby photos with greater frequency.

In other news I finally have all of the models in hand needed to complete my Emperor's Children Army. Between them, my Death Guard, and my Dark Eldar I have more than enough hobby stuff to keep my busy for the next several years! For my next purchase I am looking make an investment in a pice of terrain. I am looking at either buying a Zone Mortalis board or a Ciyscape board from Forgeworld. I am only going to allow myself for buy one and they both have advantages and disadvantages respectively. The ZM is nice because it will take up less space in my apartment and will give me a way to play ZM games, which I think are a blast. It also looks really fun to paint up. However, the cityscape board, is also a beautiful piece and would have the advantage of being able to be used in regular 40k games. A complete 4x4 ZM board come out to 405 Pounds (with doors) and a full 6x Cityscape board come out to 430 Pounds. Decisions, decisions...

The above pice is from John has created a beautiful board that will be a blast to play on! Check out his blog for more of his great work!

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