
Thursday, October 24, 2013

Horus Heresy Tactica: Legion Jetbike Squad

As part of exploring the armies of the 31st Millennium I would to provide the community with articles of how to best use (at least in my humble opinion) the squads of the Space Marine Legion Army List. Over the next several months I hope to cover all of the units in the Horus Heresy: Betrayal army lists. Check back for regular updates! We continue today with a look at the Legion Jetbike Squad.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Ferrus Mannus

All I have to say is that I am very happy that I started an Iron Hands Legion army.I can not wait to get my hands on this one.


Monday, September 9, 2013

Minotaurs Chapter

"The Bronze Beast in the Darkness"

Friday, August 30, 2013

The Horus Heresy Book Two: Massacre

We all knew it was coming soon and it does not disappoint. Looks to be awesome.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Moving and Graduate School

It has been a busy last few weeks with a move from Boston to NYC and starting graduate school. No new model updates as all of my models are still packed away in boxes. Hopefully I will be able to unpack in the next week in resume modeling. Horus Heresy Book 2: Massacre is nearing release. It is going to be very exciting and I can not wait!

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Sons of Horus Test Scheme and Legion Armies Update

 With the release of the Sons of Horus Reavers my will to resist build a Sons of Horus army has finally broken down and I am going to do it. Here is test scheme model for the army. As usual feedback is always welcome. For the army I am going to be looking to something a bit different than with the Death Guard or Emperor's Children. I want to build both a loyalist and a traitor variants of the army with both using the same core of basic troops. I am note sure how I will flesh it out but I will post more about in in the future.

My Emperor's Children and Death Guard are proceeding nicely and I have been experimenting with new airbrushing techniques to speed their completion. They may not be posted here any time soon though as the next couple of month will be very packed with move and me starting graduate school.

Oh, and I bought a Zone Mortalis Board that just arrived. Much more will be coming on this in the near future.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Horus Heresy Tactica: Legion Breacher Siege Squad

As part of exploring the armies of the 31st Millennium I would to provide the community with articles of how to best use (at least in my humble opinion) the squads of the Space Marine Legion Army List. Over the next several months I hope to cover all of the units in the Horus Heresy: Betrayal army lists. Check back for regular updates! We continue today with a look at the Legion Breacher Siege Squad.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Horus Heresy Tactica: Land Raider Squadron

As part of exploring the armies of the 31st Millennium I would to provide the community with articles of how to best use (at least in my humble opinion) the squads of the Space Marine Legion Army List. Over the next several months I hope to cover all of the units in the Horus Heresy: Betrayal army lists. Check back for regular updates! We continue today with a look at the Land Raider Squadron.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Horus Heresy Tactica: Legion Heavy Support Squad

As part of exploring the armies of the 31st Millennium I would to provide the community with articles of how to best use (at least in my humble opinion) the squads of the Space Marine Legion Army List. Over the next several months I hope to cover all of the units in the Horus Heresy: Betrayal army lists. Check back for regular updates! We continue today with a look at the Legion Heavy Support Squad.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Iron Hand Legion Test Scheme

With the release of Horus Heresy: Massacre just months away I have decided that I need to have a loyalist Legion to balance out my Emperor's Children and Death Guard (more on my ambitious Horus Heresy modeling plans will follow in the future). I have chosen the 10th Legion, the Iron Hands. I like their fluff how and they should compliment my Emperor's Children well. Here is the test scheme. Let me know what you think.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Ancient Rylanor and Emperor's Children Contemptor Dreadnoughts

Ancient Rylanor

I just completed these this weekend and wanted to share them. I am really pleased with how they have turned out. Enjoy!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Crysos Morturg of the Death Guard

Crysos Morturg

Crysos Morturg

I have a quick update for today. Here is my kitbash / conversion for Crysos Morturg. He is a loyalist special character for the Death Guard who in the fluff often leads Destroyer Marines into battle. He is also one of the two (known!) survivors of Istvaan III. Enjoy!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Emperor's Children Assault Squad

Emperor's Children Assault Marine
It took over a month but they are finally done! Behold, my Emperor's Children Assault Squad. I really enjoyed painting this squad up because I love the MK II and MK IV Assault Squad kits and I was finally able to flesh out where I want to take the color scheme for this army. I had started with a pristine color scheme but I was not happy with it. Since my Emperor's Children army is suppose to represent a loyalist force (background to be fleshed out in the future) I decided to try a more battle scared approach to my Emperor's Children. In general I am happy with how it turned out. As usual constructive feedback is always welcome. For my next painting project I am painting three Emperor's Children Contemptor Dreadnoughts. Lets hope I can finish them in less time.
Emperor's Children Assault Squad

Emperor's Children Assault Squad

Emperor's Children Assault Squad

Emperor's Children Marine

Emperor's Children Assault Squad

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Painting Points Tally: May

I started keeping track of my painting using a points system as a way to both "control" my model purchases and too reinforce me for completing painting projects. May has come and gone and while being a frantic building month I only managed to complete a single model (at least it was a huge one).

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Revenant Titan Update

Revenant Post Fall

It has been a while since my last update due to life busyness. I have an update on my ongoing Revenant Titan project and it is not good. Long story short it fell (along with my camera, hence the crummy iPhone photo, but that is another story) and broke its leg. I am repairing it as I type. This model and (long unfinished) Void Dragon Phoenix have always had a special place in my heart. I picked them both up at Warhammer World back in 2005 while studying in the UK. It has languished in a closet, survived many moves around the world, and almost found its way on to eBay on more than one occasion when my interest in 40k has waned! I have tried to give this model the tlc such a beautiful and sentimental piece deserves. Stay tuned for (hopefully) some photos of the finished Titan before the end of May. Just in time for the big Eldar release...

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Painting Points: April Tally

I started keeping track of my painting using a points system as a way to both "control" my model purchases and too reinforce me for completing painting projects. April has not been as productive as I would like as most of free time has been spent completing grant applications for graduate school. I complete a grand total of one squad and one character.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Fulgrim and Davinite Priest

Black Library has given us a sneak peak of the next Primarch and event only model. As usual FW manages to exceed my expectations. I can not wait for these releases.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Death Guard Legion Destroyer Squad and Moritat

Death Guard Moritat

I have another update for my Death Guard. Here are ten Destroyer Marines with one Moritat. It took me a while to come up with color scheme that I felt fit with the fluff of having burned armor. Overall I am happy with the result even though it took about three tries to get it right.

I tried this squad on the table last week against a friend's Sons of Horus with mixed results. The destroyers performed about on par with an equivalent sized assault squad. I didn't have a chance to use their rad missiles to greatest effect though as by the time they were in a position to use them only units with 2+ armor save were left for my opponent. The Moritat on the other hand was utterly amazing. He hit 36 times with his chain firing plasma pistols and succeeded in killing every Terminator within range.   He has become an auto-include in any army that I take a Destroyers in.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Tournament Post-mortem: 3/30/13

Two weeks ago I played in a local tournament with my Dark Eldar. I have been a bit late in posting a post-mortem on the event so here it is. Better late than never, right?

Friday, April 5, 2013

The Emperor's Children

"Our names may be forgotten, and our bones crumble to dust, but our deaths will echo through the millennia to come" Captain Saul Tarvitz, words spoken in the hours prior to the fall of the Loyalist Choral City enclaves during the Istvaan III Atrocity

Emperor's Children Legionnaire in MK IV Armor 

Pre-Heresy Emperor's Children in MK II Armor

Monday, April 1, 2013

Painting Points: March Tally

I started keeping track of my painting using a points system as a way to both "control" my model purchases and too reinforce me for completing painting projects. All of my completed work in March has been for my Dark Eldar to get the ready for a tournament on March 30th (tournament post-mortem to follow in the near future)  Lets see how I have done in March.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Mechanicum Thallax Cohort and More...

Mechanicum Thallax

Today's release from Forgeworld has really caught my eye. I have eagerly been awaiting the release of these models since HH: Betrayal was released and Forgeworld has once again proved that good things come to those who wait. I normally don't wade into the price debates or conversiation but at about $15 a model these are also the most (surprisingly) affordable Ogre/Orgyn sized models (plastics excluded) available from GW and FW right now. These are going straight to the wish list along with some other goodies to build a Adeptus Mechanicus Allied detatchment. I am also impressed by the shields on the Breacher Squad and can see many 40k players repurposing them as storm shields for their close combat terminators. For more detail click below...

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Eldar Revenant Titan WIP Continued...

Eldar Revenant Titan WIP

Eldar Revenant Titan

Friday, March 22, 2013

Forgeworld Legion MKIV Outrider Squad and More...

Legion Outrider Squad

Looks like Forgeworld has another surprise release for us this Friday! First up is a set of Space Marine Bikes that have me drooling on my keyboard. Necrons and Space marines also got some more love in the form of terrain and weapon packs respectively. The new Necron kits and the preview videos would seem to indicate that Imperial Armour 12 is right around the corner. Check out the newsletter below for more...

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Hobby Progress and Zone Mortalis vs Cityscape Board

It has been a relatively busy time for me hobby wise the last two weeks despite the lack of posts. I have nearly finished my Revenant Titan and am trying to finish off a chunk of my Dark Eldar in time for a tournament at the end of the month. I have ten days to finish three Raiders, a Ravager, twenty two Warriors, seven Hellions, and one Baron. Speed painting has never been my thing but I have a feeling I will be developing some skills in in in the next couple of days. Also, I have ordered a light tent and new tripod that will arrive soon. Hopefully this will improve the quality of my miniature photography and I will be able to post more hobby photos with greater frequency.

In other news I finally have all of the models in hand needed to complete my Emperor's Children Army. Between them, my Death Guard, and my Dark Eldar I have more than enough hobby stuff to keep my busy for the next several years! For my next purchase I am looking make an investment in a pice of terrain. I am looking at either buying a Zone Mortalis board or a Ciyscape board from Forgeworld. I am only going to allow myself for buy one and they both have advantages and disadvantages respectively. The ZM is nice because it will take up less space in my apartment and will give me a way to play ZM games, which I think are a blast. It also looks really fun to paint up. However, the cityscape board, is also a beautiful piece and would have the advantage of being able to be used in regular 40k games. A complete 4x4 ZM board come out to 405 Pounds (with doors) and a full 6x Cityscape board come out to 430 Pounds. Decisions, decisions...

The above pice is from John has created a beautiful board that will be a blast to play on! Check out his blog for more of his great work!

Friday, March 1, 2013

2013 Hobby Wishlist

Ye Olde GW Wishlist Dwarf 

As part of keeping my painting and buying focused I find it helps to have a wish list to avoid being sidetracked with impulse buys. I will update this throughout the year as more items are released the I "need"and as I buy things off the list.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Painting Points: Bringing order to the Madness

I will just come and say it. I buy way more models than I can ever paint. I love buying models. I love  opening up that box from Forgeworld that has finally arrived or finding that one long OOP model of obscure version of X at a games store. I even plan on painting everything I buy. Unfortunately, most of the models I buy never get painted. Either through boredom on a given project taking over or just real life getting in the way I just don't finish or get to everything I buy. I buy more and the backlog grows.