Friday, December 30, 2016

2017 Horus Heresy Army Ambitions

With 2016 finally circling to to toilet I wanted to lay out some of my hobby ambitions for the coming year and reflect on the current year (in terms of HH gaming). My biggest accomplishment in terms of modeling was finally completing all of the named Character Series models I own. I don't really like paiting large squads so it has always been easier for me to work individual pieces. I completed Fulgrum, Guilliman, Eidolon, Alexus Polux, Sigmusund, and Garro! I did not get much gaming in this year due to a very busy work life but I did make it to NOVA in Washington DC for two days. My Emperor's Children got trounced but I had a great time gaming and catching up with friends from previous tournaments. Next year I am hoping to focus on some different projects while finishing off some others. Here are the modeling goals I would like to accomplish and some army lists I have been working on:

1. Finally finish my Emperor's Children Legion Army. Seriously, I have been working off and on of these guys since HH: Betrayal came out. I'll either finish painting them all or sell everything that is not painted. Either way this army gets completed in 2017! (UPDATE: Army is complete, picture will be posted eventually!)

2. Build and Paint my Ultramarines Legion Army. I have finally collected the models and resin bases needed to build this army. It is based around the Pride of the Legion Rite of War. The list I am currently working with is below. I'll also be painting up Guilliman and a squad of Invictarus Suzerains,

Ultramarines Armored Assault Force (Legiones Astartes)
2,498 points
285 points (11%)
Captain Remus Ventanus (155)
iron halo; power sword; bolt pistol; melta bombs; nuncio-vox; frag grenades; krak grenades; legion standard; power armour; Rite of War (Pride of the Legion
Infantry (Character); Legiones Astartes (Ultramarines); Master of the Legion; Independent Character; Warlord: Resolute Planning; Adamantium Will; Cunning Strategist
Primus Medicae in Terminator armour (130)
narthecium; needle pistol; Terminator armour (Cataphractii); Consul: Primus Medicae 
Infantry (Character); Legiones Astartes; Consul; Independent Character; Sacred Trust; Legion Support Officer
1,518 points (61%)
19 Tactical Space Marines (225)
power armour; bolters; bolt pistols; frag and krak grenades 
Infantry; Legiones Astartes; Fury of the Legion
+ 1 Tactical Sergeant
power armour; bolter; bolt pistol; frag and krak grenades 
Infantry (Character); Legiones Astartes; Fury of the Legion
9 Veteran Space Marines (245)
power armour; 5× bolter; 4× combi-weapon; 9× bolt pistol; 9× chainsword; frag and krak grenades; 2× plasma gun 
Infantry; Legiones Astartes; Veteran Tactics; Implacable Advance
+ 1 Veteran Sergeant
bolter; bolt pistol; power fist; frag and krak grenades 
Infantry (Character); Legiones Astartes
9 Veteran Space Marines (245)
power armour; 5× bolter; 4× combi-weapon; 9× bolt pistol; 9× chainsword; frag and krak grenades; 2× plasma gun 
Infantry; Legiones Astartes; Veteran Tactics; Implacable Advance
+ 1 Veteran Sergeant
bolter; bolt pistol; power fist; frag and krak grenades 
Infantry (Character); Legiones Astartes
9 Terminators (433)
Terminator armour (Cataphractii); 4× combi-weapon; power weapon; 4× power fist; 2× lightning claw; 2× chainfist; 2× plasma blaster 
Infantry; Legiones Astartes; Implacable Advance
+ 1 Terminator Sergeant
Infantry (Character); Legiones Astartes; Implacable Advance
Spartan Assault Tank (370)
2 quad lascannon; twin-linked heavy bolter; searchlight; smoke launchers; machine spirit; extra armour; armoured ceramite; flare shield 
Vehicle (Tank, Transport); Assault Vehicle
45 points (2%)
Apothecarion Detachment

Apothecary (45)
power armour; bolt pistol; chainsword; frag grenades; krak grenades; narthecium 
Infantry (Character); Legiones Astartes
Heavy Support
650 points (26%)
Deredeo Pattern Dreadnought (220)
twin-linked Anvilus pattern autocannon battery; twin-linked heavy bolter; Aiolos missile launcher; smoke launchers; searchlight; extra armour 
Vehicle (Walker); Helical Targeting Array; Atomantic Shielding
Land Raider Battle Squadron

Land Raider Proteus (215)
2 twin-linked lascannon; searchlight; smoke launchers; machine spirit; armoured ceramite; multi-melta 
Vehicle (Tank, Transport)
Land Raider Battle Squadron

Land Raider Proteus (215)
2 twin-linked lascannon; searchlight; smoke launchers; machine spirit; armoured ceramite; multi-melta 
Vehicle (Tank, Transport)

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